sábado, 17 de mayo de 2014


It is a systematic series of actions directed to measuring one's knowledge of a subject by assessing any aim to help in decision-making; or to ascertain the degree of achievement or value in regard to the aim and results of any action that has been completed.

jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014


This approach focuses attention on the use of authentic language and on having students do meaningful activities using the target language. Such activities can include visiting a doctor, conducting an interview, or calling customer service for help.  Here are some lesson plans that teachers can carry out and which take into account such approach.

Task-based Language Lesson Plan
Examples of Chinese, Georgian, and Vietnamese Languages
Lesson Series: Traditions, Festivals, and Celebrations
By Han-Hua Chao, Shorena Kurtsikidze, Kim Pham


Sample Lesson: “Local Thanksgivings”
Zhongqiu Festival (Chinese)
Têt-Trung-Thu (Vietnamese)
Giorgoba (Georgian)
The goal of this lesson is to better motivate learners and engage their interest in
target language cultures through the topic of “Traditional Festivals and
Duration of the lesson: 1.5 hrs.
Pre-task Preparation: Depending on what the target language is (in this case
Chinese, Georgian or Vietnamese), the students are asked to repeat numbers,
names of days and months of year, and the basic vocabulary and useful
phrases/expressions related to family and table/food.
Starting task/teacher-led task (recording and text-based task): Time-frame – 15 min.
*Students are divided in groups.
*The teacher dictates (or – alternatively – asks the students to listen to a
recording of) familiar words and phrases from a short passage (a new passage,
not something from a textbook) – that the students will have to write down.
The sample words (for the Georgian language class) are given on page 3.
Problem-solving task: Time-frame – 30 min.
*Each group is asked to discuss the dictated words and phrases and predict and
“assemble” a possible story by creating sentences with the given materials.
*One student in the group is assigned to look for the appropriate verbs in the
dictionary; another student is designated as an “ambassador” while the others
are creating sentences and working on creating the story.
*The students are allowed to use additional words and phrases of their choice.

 Task-based Language Lesson Plan
Examples of Chinese, Georgian, and Vietnamese Languages
Lesson Series: Traditions, Festivals, and Celebrations
By Han-Hua Chao, Shorena Kurtsikidze, Kim Pham


Discussion and Comparison task: Time-frame – 15 min.
*Once each group has come up with the story/description, they summarize it and
share and discuss their story with the other groups. Alternatively, the
“spokesperson” of the group presents the story before the other groups.
*The groups compare their stories.

Viewing of a video recording: Time-frame – 5 min.
*The teacher shows a 5-minute video of one of the above festivals. The video
contains all the relevant words and phrases that were introduced to the students
at the beginning of the lesson.

Analyzing and Discussing the video materials: Time-frame – 15 min.
The students compare the video materials to the stories they have created. They
are then asked to identify the familiar words and expressions in the video
materials they have just viewed.
Quiz: Time-frame – 5 min.
Up to 10 true/false questions regarding the video materials.

Sharing personal experiences about a favorite holiday: Time-frame – 5 min.
The students are asked to think about their favorite holidays/celebrations and are
asked to prepare for the next class by producing a brief story of their favorite
holiday to share and discuss it with other students for the next lesson.


Communicative language teaching (CLT), or the communicative approach, is an approach to language teaching which makes emphasis on interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of study.  Classroom activities used in such method include role-plays, interviews, information gap, games, language exchanges, surveys, pair-work, learning by teaching.  Nevertheless, not all English courses that utilize the Communicative Language approach will restrict their activities completely to these.  In fact, some courses will have the students take grammar quizzes every once in a while.

Frequently, the communicative approach is considered a success if the teacher understands the student.  If the teacher is from the same country or region as the student, the teacher will understand errors resulting from an influence from their mother tongue, but native speakers of the target language may have difficulty understanding them.